Intentions for 2021


Well team, we made it! The new year is here at last. We are amped to go forth into the beautiful blank canvas that is 2021 with our eyes wide open and perspectives overhauled in the best of ways.

Our team took a few days at the end of the year to reflect on 2020 and collectively discuss our intentions for the year ahead. We prefer setting intentions over goals or resolutions because it’s less about specific outcomes and allows us to focus on the desire behind what we’re intending to create. If you’d like to join us in this exercise, please drop us a line—we always love to hear from you, and we’d love to know what you desire to bring into your life in 2021.

It’s time to get very real with ourselves—and with you. Here’s how our team members intend to make the most of 2021. 

Cami: My intention for 2021 is to thrive, not simply survive. That includes getting more business and volunteering for an industry organization. I want to learn new things and do more of what makes me happy—and say “no” to things that aren’t important. I’m going to get my mojo back to “Win my Mornings” through exercise, personal development, affirmations, gratitude and a daily to-do list. I intend to use time blocking to specify work, family and “me” time each and every day.  

Kim:  With all the negativity in the world right now, my intention for 2021 is to focus on the positive in all situations. I am confident there is a light at the end of this very dark tunnel and I am seeking that light. On practical level, I’m following the advice of motivational entrepreneur, Jesse Itzler, who advocates for scheduling your life before scheduling your work.  Over the holiday break, I mapped out 12 things I want to do or accomplish in 2021 with specific dates. For example, run the Yosemite Half Marathon in May, schedule a summer RV Road trip, Learn how to Make a Reel on Instagram.  I’m also going to create a monthly “simplify and declutter” schedule focusing on different parts of my house each month. On the work front, I intend to collaborate with other companies to grow our portfolio of services and work with our team to rebuild our business, simplify systems and take actionable steps for recovery in 2021.   

Scott:  I want to learn how to become more hands-on with construction and I intend to get started building something in the first quarter of 2021. Within the first 30 days of 2021, I will get in contact with every one of my clients to get updates within the organization, discuss upcoming projects and determine next steps to move forward. As a father, I want to be more present with Brooklyn and Madison. I’m commited to being patient and open with them, and I also intend to spend one-on-one time with each daughter at least once per quarter. 

Most importantly, I will get a haircut in 2021. It started off as a joke back in March—that I wouldn’t cut my hair until a group meeting materialized and we received payment. But now it’s become a necessity to book a group that will materialize in 2021 because my hair is becoming a situation!

 Dayna:  I have three key intentions for 2021. One, to pause before responding in conversation and lead with patience and empathy. Two, to give back to the community that has inspired and supported me. And three, to be okay with being afraid of something and still doing it anyway.

 Chrissy:  I intend to diversify my professional income. Passion for work can take on many faces and exploring my life’s loves has become a welcome addition to my mindfulness practice. The culinary world, cookbooks, people and culture related to food have always been a love and I’ve always wanted to write a cookbook. There is a path for me in that space I have yet to uncover to its fullest. Another intention is to embrace education and learn something new every single day. I will do this by asking “why?” more often and reading books, articles and blogs thoroughly—rather than simply scanning and skimming, I will immerse and engage in the content. I will slow down, implement quiet and create boundaries for personal solace…smell the sea air, notice the trees and life’s colors. Most importantly, I will implement all of the above. Make big goals, break down to small goals, and check them off!

 Jay:  In the words of J Paul Getty, “In times of rapid change, experience could be your own worst enemy.” With that in mind I seek to better serve the customer by developing expertise in current meeting technology, contract language, digital marketing and uncovering what the venues can offer in terms of servicing clients’ needs.