Refreshing Your Elevator Pitch

We are big fans of The Rachel Hollis Podcast and glean a lot of inspiration from her conversations with thought leaders and successful individuals across a diverse spectrum of industries. As business owners, we found Episode 173: Donald Miller Teaches Your How to Tell Your Story to be very enlightening. Founder of the StoryBrand agency, Miller is a branding expert who helps companies clarify their story and value proposition in a way that resonates—and translates to success.

 As he explained his process, we started thinking differently about our own elevator pitch and how we can better bring clients into our story and instantly capture their interest when asked “what do you do?” The questions Miller asks clients to examine include how working with you will make your customer’s life better, easier, or add value. What’s your benefit over another company? It’s all about bringing someone into your story in an engaging way from the get-go, and his advice can apply to any industry—especially anyone working in sales. So, dear reader, do you want to join us in this challenge to reimagine your elevator pitch? We’re here to workshop ideas with you, so please share away if you want to test yours on us!