A Legacy of leadership lives On…REmembering arne sorenson

A Legacy of Leadership Lives On

The hospitality industry lost a true leader and icon with the recent passing of Arne Sorenson last month, the beloved President and CEO of Marriott International. As former hotel executives with many ties to the Marriott organization ourselves, the loss of Sorenson hit us hard. So, we were very moved to learn of the Marriott-Sorenson Center for Hospitality Leadership being established in his honor.

 The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation is providing an impressive $20 million endowment to launch the Center at the prestigious Howard University. Not only that, Marriott International also created the Arne M. Sorenson Hospitality Fund to support the program and career development components of the Center. Marriott pledged the first donation of $1 million and invited other companies, organizations and individuals to help support the effort. Essentially, the fund will cultivate the next generation of leadership talent in hospitality. We couldn’t think of a better, more positive way to honor Sorenson’s legacy while investing in a brighter future for hospitality.